Surjan is a trademark of Java with unique designs and motifs typical striated colored cloth, which is impressive to-eglatarianya, populist style with a distinctive character. In the past surjan is a traditional dress typical male day-to-day Java and ceremony that comes blangkon and bebetan. As for the daughter to use Kebaya or Jaritan, but on further developments can surjan padupadankan with various other fashion fabrics jarik idak merely as a partner, even with wearing jeans even though they still fit to wear surjan
If at first glance, surjan fabric that has a similar shape and color. However, materials or fabrics of different surjan will produce quality that is very much different. Therefore, the price will be determined by the type of fabric.When presented with two similar surjan clothing, an inexperienced would assume the same, but if touched and used of course be different. According Purwanto, currently many outstanding surjan model made from a mixture of plastic and not cloth weaving. Surjan who now represents surjan which has been modified,Shape buttons as used clothes most of the alias is not genuine. The model is a slight change such as a smaller collar shape and has a zipper.Surjan new model with semi-plastic material or woven fabric that is not ordinary, not to replace the original woven surjan comfort.
Basically surjan motive is not only a very stout striated fabric in the know people over there are different types of fabric surjan motives, motives other than anara rsebut
* The motive is the motive of flowers surjan with floral fabric domination.
* Motif jaguad namely surjan with floral fabric that is not firm, do not wear flashy colors, with different flower motifs that use colors that range beranka
* Abstract motifs, fabric surjan with abstract motifs usually have a smooth complexion.
* Motive striated, fabric surjan moif brother "is what is now known stout man, with a characteristic striated colored cloth (mottled), which is characteristic of Javanese society and identity. surjan is a trademark of Java with unique designs and motifs typical striated colored cloth